Monday, November 25, 2013

And the WINNERS ARE....

Thank you bunches for helping us win this contest.  The kids are so excited!!!! We start back at square one so keep the labels coming!!!!!
Hope your day is MAGNIFICENT!!!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Counting boxtops......
Daylyn and Damion are reading Skippy Jon Jones.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


We are doing a mad rush for box tops to be counted tomorrow!!! Yes, I've taken them off my boxes at home and in our classroom!!!
Tomorrow is school spirit day!  You can wear your GRIZ/cat gear in support of the Brawl of the Wild, or in support of your favorite team!!  Also, if the kids bring a can or cans of food for the Food Bank, Mr. English is letting them wear a hat!!!  Thanks for your support!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thank you to Mia and her family for this AMAZING book!!!! We had fun with new vocabulary words like "whoseywhatsits" and "thingamajigs"!!!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Odds and Ends

It was so great to visit with you last week at conferences!!! Thank you for all you do for your children. You are their first and most important teacher and you do make a difference!!!

We are reviewing 2nd Grade No Excuse Words this week and there won't be a test on Friday. It's important that your child spells these words in every day writing, not just memorize them one time and forget them.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Odds and Ends

It was amazing to get to visit with you at conferences last week!!! Thank you for all you do at home for your children.  You are their number one teacher and you really do make a difference!!!